venice beach

So it’s been a few weeks since our last photograph. We try to dedicate a time slot every Sunday for these outings but some weekends are just too hectic to get it all done. So once again we stayed on the west side and found this cool wall at a bicycle shop in Venice Beach.

I’m wearing a vintage dress that I recently found at Shareen’s Vintage near downtown Los Angeles – that place is amazing. And so is the fruit cocktail print on this dress, which I appropriately wore to my picnic themed baby shower the week before. It’s only a shame I wasn’t able to maintain my watermelon slice manicure that I gave myself for the event… it was pretty sweet.

Come back next week for an update in our ongoing series: Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places.

29 Weeks: Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places


We kept things local this week, heading to the Venice Beach area for our 26 week photo shoot. Upon driving by, it seemed perfectly clear to me that this aquatic mural would make the perfect compliment to my smurf-blue tights. This will likely be my last woven dress of the series, I’m guessing I’ll need to go strictly stretchy from here on out. Luckily my closet is well equipped!

Come back next week for an update in our ongoing series: Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places.

26 Weeks: Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places


I decided it was only appropriate to share a little personal project of mine here on the blog, since it’s turning out to be a fun one and seems more than relevant. Let me begin by confessing I was heavily inspired by this maternity series, photographed by Ryan Marshall, which I originally stumbled across several years ago. It’s amazing. So when the time came to start shooting my own photos, I figured out the details and put my talented husband to work, handing him the camera.

With a closet full of patterned clothes, we set out to document the growth of our little one amidst the artistic backdrop of Los Angeles. Come back next week for an update in our ongoing series: Patterns, Preggos & Painted Places.

